Recording EEG data with an EMOTIV headset

When a participant plays an experiment, the EMOTIV headset they’re wearing collects raw EEG data, performance metrics, and motion data automatically.

The data collected is saved securely in EMOTIV Cloud and stored in compliance with GDPR. Only the owner of an experiment can download the data stored in EMOTIV Cloud as per our privacy and licensing agreements governing data Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

Built-in stimuli markers for data analysis in EmotivPRO

All elements in an experiment are time-marked and can be viewed in EmotivPRO. These include:

  • Start and finish times.

  • Key presses and mouse clicks. These are recorded and time-stamped in JSON format.

  • JSON maker files can be merged with EEG Parquet files.

Exporting data in EmotivPRO

To find a data recording(s) you want to export, you need to:

  1. Go to the Recordings tab in EmotivPRO. You can either:

    1. Find the recording(s) you’re looking for on the screen;

    2. Use the search tool to search for it by name; or

    3. Use the filters option to find your recording(s).

  2. A window will open in EmotivPRO with various options for exporting your EEG data recording(s).

Select the information you want to export and the folder you want to export to and click on Export.

More information on exporting EEG data can be found in the EmotivPRO manual.

Last updated