Stimuli phases

A stimuli phase allows you to manipulate your chosen elements to your own specification — e.g. adding loops, timings, intervals, etc.

How do I add elements to a stimuli phase?

To add an element to a stimuli phase, click on the + button on the stimuli phase screen. When you click on the + button, a drop-down list will appear where you can choose one of the following elements to add to the phase:

  • Text — Type and edit text that you want to include in the phase. You can also embed a URL or images in the text element.

  • Image — Upload an image file or select a previously uploaded image that you want to include in the phase.

  • Audio — Upload an audio file or select a previously uploaded audio file that you want to include in the phase.

  • Video — Upload an audio file or select a previously uploaded audio file that you want to include in the phase.

  • Questionnaire — Type questions, select the type of questions (multiple choice, open text, etc.), input answers and choose how they are displayed in the phase.

Customizing a stimuli phase

Once you’ve added an element to your stimuli phase, you can customize it. The following customizations are available:

  • Intervals (ISI)

  • Stimulus

  • Loops

  • Randomizations

  • Feedback and response

  • Audio overlay/soundtracks

To customize an element in a stimuli phase, click on the Settings button. A menu will appear where you can select suitable ways to customize your stimuli phase.

Last updated