Formatting SD Card
To record data to your Extender, you need to purchase, install and format a microSD card. The SD card must be between 4-32GB and formatted with FAT32.
Note: SD card not included with Extender.
Below are the instructions for formatting the SD card on Windows and Mac.
Power on Extender, insert the card into Extender and plug Extender into your PC.
Right click on Extender driver and select format.
Specify as FAT32 and press "Start" to format.
Your drive should now be ready for recording.
Power on Extender, insert the card into Extender and plug Extender into your Mac
Press command + space and type "disk utility". Open the Disk Utility setting window.
Partition or erase the disk and select the partition format as MS-DOS (FAT)
Your disk should now be ready for use in Extender.
Last updated