Example connection with MaxMSP

Once you subscribe to the OSC module, the tab is enabled in BCI. The following example demonstrates a connection of EMOTIV BCI with MaxMSP, which is a visual programming language for music and multimedia.

  1. Connect a simulated device (create one on EMOTIV Launcher if you don't have. See Creating a virtual brainwear) or an OSC compatible EMOTIV Brainwear®

  2. Choose a training profile to connect to the external device.

  3. Select Sending mode: Unicast to Self

  4. Set the IP:

  5. Set the Port: 8000

  6. Choose the Data stream you want to connect: Facial expressions, Mental Commands, or Performance Metrics

  7. Click Start

  8. Open Max MSP, go to File > Package Manager and install CNMAT Externals

  9. Go to https://github.com/Emotiv/opensoundcontrol/tree/master and check the table with OSC Address Patterns

  10. Create (replicate) the nodes below and change OSC-route according to whichever OSC Pattern you wish to address (in the example image, Facial expressions/Smile) - check table in the previous step for the addresses.

  11. Open Processing and go to Sketch > Import Library… > Add Library , search and install oscP5

  12. Open a new File.

  13. Import oscP5 to the code and initialize an instance listening to port 12000. Example code (copy and paste in Processing):

    import oscP5.*; //OSC receive OscP5 oscP5; // This value is set by the OSC event handler float importedValue = 0; float radius; void setup() { size(1200,1000); // Initialize an instance listening to port 12000 oscP5 = new OscP5(this,8500); } void draw() { background (0); // Scale up imported value radius = importedValue * 1000; // Display circle at location vector stroke(255); strokeWeight(2); fill(255); ellipse(500,500, radius, radius); println(radius); } void oscEvent(OscMessage theOscMessage) { float value = theOscMessage.get(0).floatValue(); importedValue = value; }

14. Click the Play button and watch the graphics change according to Smile. importedValue is associated with the circle radius.

15. Open any example code in File > Examples.. 16. Associate importedValue with any float variable from any Library to play around. Be sure to:

  • Import oscP5;

import oscP5.*; //OSC receive OscP5 oscP5; // This value is set by the OSC event handler

  • Initialize importedValue (before void setup);

float importedValue = 0;

  • Initialize oscP5 (place it inside void setup);

// Initialize an instance listening to port 12000 oscP5 = new OscP5(this,8500);

  • Associate the event with the variable importedValue (place it after void draw);

void oscEvent(OscMessage theOscMessage) { float value = theOscMessage.get(0).floatValue(); importedValue = value; }

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