Release Notes

Cortex 4.3.0 - Jun 2024

  • Support data sharing of organization

  • Support Flex 2 via native Bluetooth connection

  • Bug fixes

Cortex 4.2.7 - Jun 2024

  • Bug fix for extender firmware upgrade (from very old version)

Cortex 4.2.4 - May 2024

  • A hotfix for marker issue

Cortex 4.2.1 - Apr 2024

  • Cortex API usage tracking

Cortex 4.2.0 - Apr 2024

  • Time synchronization between different Emotiv headsets

Cortex 3.8.0 - Jan 2024

  • Support firmware version x2F06 of Flex headset.

Cortex 3.7.8 - Jan 2024

  • Improve headset setting feature for Flex

  • Bug fixes

Cortex 3.7.5 - Jan 2024

  • Support EDF+/BDF+ file format, see exportRecord API.

  • Bug fixes

Cortex 3.7.2 - Dec 2023

  • Improve timestamp algorithm for Flex.

  • Bug fixes

Cortex 3.7.1 - Nov 2023

  • Update new certificate of the Cortex web socket server. The certificate before version 3.7.1 expires on Dec 9, 2023.

  • Bug fixes

Cortex 3.7.0 - Nov 2023

  • Support Flex

  • Upgrade the core framework for BLE connection.

  • Upgrade to OpenSSL 3.0, TLS 1.2

  • Improve data quality

  • New device scanning workflow (see controlDevice with "refresh" command mentioned here).

  • Performance enhancement and minor bug fixes

Cortex 3.6.5 - Aug 2023

  • Training profiles are now supported for only specific types of Emotiv headset. All training profiles created before 3.6.5 will become readonly profiles.

  • Bug fixes

Cortex 3.5.6 - Jul 2023

  • Attention detection will replace Focus detection

  • Focus detection can still be found via exportRecord API with includeDeprecatedPM option.

Cortex 3.5.5 - Jun 2023

  • Save more data into database, even there is no record.

Cortex 3.5.4 - Jun 2023

  • Update export policy on EmotivPRO with records from EmotivPRO mobile.

Cortex 3.5.3 - May 2023

  • Support Xtrodes devices on EmotivPRO

Cortex 3.5.2 - Apr 2023

  • Roll back the core framework for BLE connection (since the new version in 3.5.0/3.5.1 is not really stable).

  • Bug fixes

Cortex 3.5.1 - March 2023

  • Hotfix for BTLE connection.

Cortex 3.5.0 - March 2023

  • Improve timestamp correction algorithm.

  • exportRecord() API will also export survey data in CSV format (along with JSON format).

  • Upgrade the core framework for BLE connection.

Cortex 3.4.2 - October 2022

  • New system requirement on Raspberry Pi:

    • Raspberry Pi OS - Debian version 11 (Beta release, 32-bit)

Cortex 3.4.1 - September 2022

  • New system requirement on MacOS/Windows:

    • Windows 10 (64-bit) v1809+

    • macOS 10.14 Mojave or above

Cortex 3.2 - January 2022

Cortex 3.1.3 - December 2021

  • Support macOS 12.1

Cortex 3.1.1, 3.1.2 - December 2021

  • Bug fixes on some instances where the database cannot be initialised properly

Cortex 3.1 - December 2021

Cortex 3.0.1 - November 2021

  • No change in the Cortex API

  • Bug fixes, make the Bluetooth connection more stable

Cortex 3.0 - October 2021

Cortex 2.7.3 - August 2021

  • Fixed the scaled value from Interest / Valance that may go out of range in some cases.

  • Fixed Focus / Stress performance metrics with EPOC X.

Cortex 2.7.2 - July 2021

  • No change in the Cortex API

Cortex 2.7.1 - May 2021

  • It is now possible to run all the detections with an EPOC Flex headset. This requires a specific EEG sensor mapping. See Data Subscription for details.

  • Cortex is now available for Raspberry Pi OS

Check the Getting Started page to see all the supported headsets and platforms.

Cortex 2.7.0 - April 2021

  • New data stream "eq" to get the EEG quality. See Data sample object. Please read this page to understand the difference between the contact quality and the EEG quality.

  • New label "BatteryPercent" added to the "dev" data stream. See Data sample object.

  • The method exportRecord is now available on iOS and Android

Cortex 2.6.4 - March 2021

  • Bug fixes

  • No change in the Cortex API

Cortex 2.6.3 - January 2021

  • New parameters added to the method exportRecord

  • New parameters added to the method queryRecords

  • Cortex is now available for Linux Ubuntu (Beta release)

Check the Getting Started page to see all the supported headsets and platforms.

Cortex 2.6.2 - December 2020

  • Solve an issue on macOS 11, where EMOTIV headsets couldn't connect by Bluetooth.

  • No change in the Cortex API

Cortex 2.6.1 - November 2020

  • No change in the Cortex API

Cortex 2.6.0 - September 2020

  • The sample rate of the data stream "dev" is now 2 hertz. See Data Subscription for details.

  • macOS 10.12 Sierra is not supported anymore. In order to install Cortex 2.6.0 you must upgrade your Mac to macOS 10.13 High Sierra or above.

Check the Getting Started page to see all the supported headsets and platforms.

Cortex 2.5.0 - June 2020

  • Support the new MN8 headset

  • Support for iOS and Android (Beta release, see the announcement for details)

  • New parameter title added to the method updateRecord

  • In the method queryRecords, you can now order the records by their applicationId.

  • New warning code 112 and 113

Check the Getting Started page to see all the supported headsets and platforms.

Cortex 2.4.0 - March 2020

Cortex 2.3.0 - December 2019

  • New parameter includeFlexMappings added to the method queryHeadsets

  • New field lastLoginTime added in the result of the method getUserLogin

Cortex 2.2.1- October 2019

  • New method added configOptOut

  • New parameter connectionType added to the method controlDevice

  • New parameter experimentId added to the method createRecord

  • New Warning added when the available space on the hard drive is too low

  • New Warning added when the opt-out configuration changes

  • New label isActive in the performance metrics sample object

Cortex 2.2.0 - September 2019

This version didn't introduce any change in the API.

Cortex 2.1.1 - August 2019

Cortex 2.1.0 - August 2019

  • New methods added to manage the Subjects

Changes from Cortex 1.x to Cortex V2.0

There are significant changes from Cortex API version 1.x to 2.0.

WebSocket URL

To connect to Cortex 1.x, you used the url wss:// In Cortex 2.0, you must use wss://localhost:6868

See Connecting to the Cortex API for details.


In Cortex 2.0, the user must login with EmotivID through the EMOTIV App. So, the API doesn't have a login or logout method anymore.

Third party applications must be approved by the user before using the Cortex API. See the new method requestAccess.

The method authorize doesn't accept "anonymous mode" anymore. You must provide a client id and client secret.

See Authentication for details.


Call the method controlDevice to connect a headset to Cortex. If the headset is not connected, then you can't create a session with this headset.

See Headsets for details.


Some methods have been removed or renamed.

The parameters and result format of some methods have changed. If you get an error when calling a method, please check its documentation.

Last updated