
This method is to configure the opt-out feature for the records. This feature lets you decide if the records created by your application on the local machine are uploaded to the EMOTIV cloud or not.

If the opt-out is on (ie the parameter newOptOut is true) then the records created on this machine will not be uploaded to the cloud. If the opt-out is off (ie the parameter newOptOut is false) then the records created on this machine will be uploaded to the cloud.

Please note that changing the opt-out configuration has no effect on the records previously created on the local computer. It only affects the records created after the change. Changing the opt-out configuration is not retroactive.

The opt-out configuration is linked to your application. Changing the configuration only affects the records created by your application. This has no effect on the records created by other applications.

The opt-out configuration is also linked to the EmotivID of the user. The opt-out can be turned on or off for each EmotivID. It is off by default.

You can check the field localOnly of a Record object to know if this record will stay on the local machine, or if it will be uploaded to the EMOTIV cloud.

Some licenses don't let you change the opt-out configuration and force the opt-out to be always on or always off. See the possible configurations below for details.

This method was added in Cortex 2.2.1



The result is an object describing the current opt-out configuration. It includes these fields:

Possible Configurations

Here is an overview of the possible configurations:


Get the current configuration

    "id": 1,
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "configOptOut",
    "params": {
        "cortexToken": "xxx",
        "status": "get"

Change the configuration

    "id": 1,
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "configOptOut",
    "params": {
        "cortexToken": "xxx",
        "status": "set",
        "newOptOut": true

Last updated