Performance Metrics are shown at 0.1Hz, which is the frequency rate the Performance Metric API will output at with a BASIC license for application with Node-RED or another third party application. X-axis is number of samples.
The Performance Metrics view displays the results of our EMOTIV Performance Metrics algorithms for cognitive states. Select “PERFORMANCE METRICS” in the left side menu to access this view. This view allows you to test out and see how EMOTIV’s Performance Metrics work, so that you can more effectively apply them in any BCI integration.
Performance Metrics data is displayed in the application on a scaled axis from 0 to 100. The graph shows historical data while the number on the left side shows the current value of each metric.
Performance Metrics include 6 metrics:
Focus is a measure of fixed attention to one specific task. Focus measures the depth of attention as well as the frequency that attention switches between tasks. A high level of task switching is an indication of poor focus and distraction.
Engagement is experienced as alertness and the conscious direction of attention towards task-relevant stimuli. It measures the level of immersion in the moment and is a mixture of attention and concentration and contrasts with boredom. Engagement is characterized by increased physiological arousal and beta waves along with attenuated alpha waves. The greater the attention, focus and workload, the greater the output score reported by the detection.
Interest is the degree of attraction or aversion to the current stimuli, environment or activity and is commonly referred to as Valence. Low interest scores indicate a strong aversion to the task, high interest indicates a strong affinity with the task while mid-range scores indicate you neither like nor dislike the activity.
Excitement is an awareness or feeling of physiological arousal with a positive value. It is characterized by activation in the sympathetic nervous system which results in a range of physiological responses including pupil dilation, eye widening, sweat gland stimulation, heart rate and muscle tension increases, blood diversion, and digestive inhibition. In general, the greater the increase in physiological arousal the greater the output score for the detection. The Excitement detection is tuned to provide output scores that reflect short-term changes in excitement over time periods as short as several seconds.
Stress is a measure of comfort with the current challenge. High stress can result from an inability to complete a difficult task, feeling overwhelmed and fearing negative consequences for failing to satisfy the task requirements. Generally a low to moderate level of stress can improve productivity, whereas a higher level tends to be destructive and can have long term consequences for health and wellbeing.
Relaxation is a measure of an ability to switch off and and recover from intense concentration. Trained meditators can score extremely high relaxation scores.
You can toggle all Performance Metrics on and off in the Performance Metrics view. To do this:
Click on the eye icon in the top right corner of the view
Click on Toggle All button in the pop up
Click outside of the popup to close and return to the main view
You can turn individual Performance Metrics on and off in the view to focus on the data you are most interested in.
To do this:
Click on the eye icon in the top right corner of the view
Deselect any data stream that you do not want to see
Select any data stream that you want to see
Click outside of the popup to close and return to the main view