On top of the default detections for Facial Expressions, you can train a subset of these expressions - Frown, Clench, Smile, Surprise - to personalize them for you. In most cases, training your own expressions rather then using default detections will give you more precise control.
If you would like to try out the expressions you have trained already and see how those perform you can do so by accessing Live Mode. To access Live Mode simply click on the Live Mode button on the Facial Expressions screen. Once inside Live Mode, the face will respond to your brain activity in real time, based on your current Training Profile.
Before you can train any Facial Expressions you need to train a Neutral expression. Your Neutral training will be used as a baseline to contrast with your expression training. During this Neutral training, the most important thing is to relax the muscles of your face. You can let your mind wander in any way.
To train a Neutral expression select Neutral and click on Train button that appears to the right of the command box. You will then be asked to hold a Neutral state for 8 seconds. During this time you will see a face with no expression.
Once you have trained Neutral you are ready to train your first Facial Expression. For best results, you want to hold that expression for the entire duration of the training.
To train a Facial Expression, click on Train next to the expression you would like to train. You will then be asked to hold that expression for 8 seconds. During this time you will see a face with that expression.
As well as detecting electrical activity from your brain, EMOTIV headsets also detect activity from your facial and eye muscles since these emit electrical signals as well. Rather than isolating and discarding the signals from these muscles, we put them to use to identify facial expressions and eye movements that you can use as control inputs as well.
If you would like to adjust the sensitivity of individual facial expressions you can do so by clicking on 'settings' icon in the Live Mode and adjusting the sliders against individual expressions.
Moving the slider to the right (10) will increase the sensitivity of the command making it easier to trigger. Moving the slider to the left (1) will make the command harder to trigger.
If you would like to delete your training data for a single expression you can do so by selecting an expression you want to delete and clicking on the “trash can” icon. When asked, confirm your action by clicking “Yes, delete expression” in the pop up.
EmotivBCI comes with a set of default detections for Facial Expressions that can be used “out of the box”. You can try those immediately by accessing Live Mode on the Facial Expressions screen.
If you would like to use the default detections supplied with EmotivBCI instead of your trained expressions you can do so by un-checking the “Use training detections” box on the sensitivity pop up in Live Mode.
Every time you train a Facial Expression, this expression will increase its level by one. Expression levels appear beside the expression box on the Facial Expressions screen and are equal to the amount of trainings completed.
You can train Facial Expressions at any time by selecting “Train” next to that expression.